Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New (or) Continued Family Company

Well the Griffin's have started a NEW Family Company. Griffin Advertising.

For those of you who know Brie's Parents and what they do you might have a good long giggle at the hilarity that is US starting our OWN Advertising business, But hey " Find Something You LOVE to do and learn how to make money doing it"! I know how much fun working with Phoenix Marketing was for all those years, and Cory is VERY skilled in creating Ad's for companies, so TOGETHER we are a fairly good Advertising pair!

So We are almost completely official. The LLC paperwork is coming together and the excitement is building. Cory has a few clients already that he has begun working with to design their websites. TAKE A LOOK! and

We are working on specializing in EVERYTHING from WEB DESIGN to SEARCHLIGHTS!!!

We are so excited and amazed that this is actually happening. We sort of keep thinking we are a bit silly beginning a company in these economic times, but then again what better time. We have LOW overhead and pretty good experience between the 2 of us. PLUS we have Phoenix Marketing, Doug and Rebecca to give us the BIGGEST tips and do's and for sure DONT'S.

We are thrilled and ENTHUSIASTIC about this opportunity and we really hope that it TAKES OFF ;) LITERALLY maybe!!!! We are praying for the blessing from the Lord to help continue to make this business profitable for us. It would be WONDERFUL to continue in a "Family Business" Footsteps.

So 2 Second plug: If anyone would like to have their website REDESIGNED or DESIGNED from scratch Cory is really pretty good and willing to do it for a GREAT deal to help build our Company Portfolio. Up to 10 Pages and a Logo Design for $199.00.

Enough Self Promotion.

SUMMER has officially begun here in South Florida. I mean REAL summertime! It is almost 90 EVERY single day. Not like the NICE 90 degrees but the HOT, STICKY, humid kind of 90 degrees. Oh and thats not even the worst of it. Starting around 11-12 in the afternoon the Thunderstorms start to build. They build and BUILD until they EXPLODE ALL over the place. Pouring H2O all over the usually BEAUTIFUL South Florida landscape.

I think the FUNNIEST thing about the rain is that people honestly LOOSE their heads. Traffic comes to a stop, Cars spin, People drive about 25 MPH on the FREEWAY and those people are mixed in with the people who continue to drive outrageously fast at about 90MPH. Needless to say accidents PILE UP when it rains.

Also concerning is the HURRICANES. In about 5 days and counting HURRICANE season begins. Time to stock up, get prepared, make sure we have plenty or everything, and GET SMART! What sucks the most about this time of year is the usually GORGEOUS flying weather is GONE. GONE with the wind or the rain in this case. It is sad! If we do not have flights in early in the morning we dont fly :( BIG bummer!

SO here is to my Friends in TEXAS as well as those in Florida and Georgia. GET Prepared, BE SAFE, and WATCH Weather Channel Religiously.

P.S. CONGRATULATIONS CALIFORNIA! Thank You for CONTINUING to UPHOLD law, and Not allowing anymore Gay Marriages. I am sad that you did in the FIRST place but THANK YOU for not allowing it to continue! GO PROP 8 Supporters! You have support from us!


  1. Congrats on a new business! You never know if you never try right?? Those summer thunderstorms are what I miss in Cali! When my kids see clouds in October they ask what they are cause they haven't seen them for so long! :)

  2. That's so great that you've started your own business! Its hard work but TOTALLY worth it! Your mom emailed me tonight and she mentioned that she'd like me to photograph your temple sealing this winter!! I'm so excited for you guys. It will be AMAZING! Be safe with all that crazy Florida weather :D

  3. Thank You roxanne! We are pretty nervous and frankly terrified, but super excited to make it work! I miss the days of cloudy rain in California. Here in Florida it will rain for about an hour and then the next hour be completely sunny and hot. The motto is dont like the weather, wait around it will change. COME VISIT!

    Jackie! I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! I was planning on having you photo if you were available! I am so fabulously psyched that my mom asked! We are getting sealed in the Oakland Temple and not only my whole family will be there but Cory's as well! We are so thrilled and can hardly wait! It is going to be wonderful! now I am all the more motivated to get in awesome SHAPE! THANK YOU!!!
