Sunday, December 27, 2009

Emerald Bowl 2009

It was so much FUN helping my parents on a job! Although I would have probably preferred to go get some super affordable Christmas decor... It felt like old times again working side by side in the POURING FREEZING rain with my mum and dad.

We installed all of the inflatables right outside the Willie Mays gate at ATT park.

We were given all access passes because we were going to need to go out on the field for Halftime and install a game for 25,000 dollar winner from Emerald Nuts.

lets just say for me being a GIANT Giants Baseball fan since I was tiny and growing up at Candlestick park watching games... It was a DREAM come true to walk onto the field of Att stadium and stand where Barry Bonds played and get Giants Stadium dirt on my shoes!


We were stationed right at the 30 yrd line and literally right next to the USC Cheerleaders. They were so sweet!

Here are some other cool pictures from the field!

Here is the inflatable we installed witht eh Emerald Nuts Mascots around it.

Overall it was a freezing POURING awesome day in San Francisco! It was a pleasure to work with my parents and help them make a client HAPPY!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

FABULOUS Anniversary Presents........

I have the BEST husband in the WORLD.....

He sneaks out of the house EARLY this morning and brings home...

Look at my sweet kitty! She is so curious and excited for mommy!

I have been dying for an Edible Arrangement for quite a while! It is so yummy!
Cory had quite a lot of it chocolate dipped! It is fabulous!

HE is such a GREAT husband!

He got me a few other gifts as well I tell you I am SO SPOILED!

Diamonds are a GIRLS BEST FRIEND!

I also got him a very fancy designer shirt! He loved it!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE! Until next year...........

Season of Giving and a Season to give Thanks....

We had Thanksgiving at my Mother and Father in laws house this year with all of the extended in law family.

It started with some games on the new game table the got.

Such a HANDSOME Face!

We snuggled and slept while waiting for dinner.

Zonked out on the Kitchen floor.

And then came the extended fam and more waiting on a FABULOUS turkey!

I LOVE THIS 2 Griffin Boys sitting on the couch GLUED to the COMPUTER chatting it up about Web Design SO CUTE!

I LOVE the Griffin boys! Cute and adorable and predictably behind a computer.

Another thing that is a MUST this Thanksgiving is a Wii tourney with the boys, Cory, Mike, and Johnny not to mention Kristen who is their cheerleader!

And darling Kristen got some belated Birthday presents from Grandma. Another Star Trekkie is BORN.....

ok so Thanksgiving joke, How many boys does it take to get out a pot of potatoes into a container?

Overall it was a BEAUTIFUL, family oriented Thanksgiving! We missed my Mom and Dad since they were up in Tahoe partying it up ;-) We definitely look forward to having many many many more of these to come!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One Year ago Today...........

I Married my BEST Friend and Lover

I was so excited I smiled so BIG my cheeks were sore for days afterward.

It was a BEAUTIFUL and special day for us.

I was so HAPPY to have my parents with us on our SPECIAL day! They looked so cute! We LOVE them.

So MANY good friends and our Boca Ward Family as well braved the heat and joined us.

It has been an exciting year full of many adventures and most important of all LOVE.

We look forward to seeing where this next year takes us. I THANK Heavenly Father EVERYDAY for the blessing that is Cory. He is the light in my life and makes everyday a beautiful HAPPY one! He puts up with all of my insaneness and he is always there to listen and help when I have a problem.

I am so proud to be Mrs. Brielle Yvonne Griffin.

CHEERS To the next Year HONEY!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

such a pyromaniac.....

I swear I am a total Pyromaniac

Fire is Beautiful, Fantastic, Mysterious, and ALWAYS changing.

I find Fire Intricate and Intriguing. It sets any mood from cozy to romantic. I LOVE it!

And with this I finish my Ode to Fire.

Happy Holidays and Many Fireplace Fires to you Bloggers.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

First California Fog & New Front Plate........

We have not been back in California to have a winter for over 3 years.

This is such a beautiful sight to see...

It was so wonderful to wake up one morning and see our favorite Winter time joy... FOG!!!!

Next little thing is silly but special to me.

The FIRST thing I did once we bought this car was go straight down to a local auto shop and purchase a personal decorative front plate. I LOVE the PATRIOTS football team. I thought it added Character to my adorable new car! Well that plate has had a PRIME spot on the front of our car for over a year and I thought that it could use a rest.

I got this plate when I was in New York 7 years ago. It was to remind me of how positively FABULOUS Broadway plays are. I love the colors and I love how cute it looks on the front of the car!

The Patriots plate saw Florida and all the way across to California. Lets see what adventures come to this plate.......

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sneaky Peaky

So I have cleaned up the house a bit good enough to take a few preliminary pictures to show off.

Thanks for the center pieces Jackie! They have a nice temp home on the table, they will soon make a permanent home in our Black and White room. Until then they have become quite the conversation piece! People LOVE them! THANKS!

Now the couch will be a different color thinking pure white or Brown.

More pictures will come soon we are still settling in.

Stay Tuned!