Friday, May 21, 2010

Red hot....

SO we got a new toy.....

After the disaster of the Benz we settled with the insurance company, saved up some money and purchased a new FUN car!!

It is a 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 2.0T ( the T is for

It was a hard decision. We looked at Acura, Camero, Scion, Mitsubishi, Mercedes, Honda, Nissan, Infiniti, and then some....... It took us much longer to make a purchase because we did some extensive research and of course we live HECTIC lives. We have at best one day off a week MAX so we were only able to cover a few places a day! We wanted a 2 door car that allowed us to be young and free! We arent thinking about SUV's or 4 doors we are thinking about long drives, fast fun, and fuel economy.

Custom Door paneling with an awesome GRIFFIN crest.

This car is out of control! It is seriously luxe to the max....

Cory has many plans for this
little hot rod.....

Remote starts and LED's, Custom items and possible GenCoupe show groups? We shall see....

By the way did you catch how cool the viper car alarm system is going to be?

So out of the ashes of our white car came a RED HOT 0-60 in 3.1 seconds phantom of a 2 door car.....


Where have we been???

Hello My dear blog friends!

It has been forever since I blogged...... SORRY!

Well pretty exciting things have transpired since I last blogged.... well where should I start....

I got offered an AMAZING opportunity to work as a manager selling cellphones at Target in Walnut Creek. Cory and I now work at the same company. He works in Brentwood and I in Walnut Creek!

I turned 22 which came quicker than I expected due to my hectic work schedule. What made it so special was how wonderful my family made my special day!

So in a short and simple manner you are now officially caught up on our recent events!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

remember when...

So Cory and I found our video camera in a box labeled MISC Items. It was quite an adventure going through a sim card FULL of old photos we took during our life in Florida. We found this completely AWESOME movie we took of Charlotte in hopes of sending it in to Americas Funniest Home Videos.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

time for change...

I couldn't take the horrid car pictures anymore!

So here is a pretty picture of a new focal wall we created... mulling it over...

So it is sunny out now in Cal, and in my world that means it is time for a change.

Happy Change blogger friends....

Monday, March 1, 2010

2-24-2010 A Date which shall live in Infamy........

Well as many of you may know I was in a car accident last Wednesday. It has been a pretty hard week for me and I thought I would document it for... well I am not sure partly I guess for documentation, and I guess partly for catharsis. I am struggling with some injuries, My passenger is suffering with injuries and our lives are changed seeing as how we are down to 1 car and a motorcycle between us. Here are some of the specs: We were in Brentwood, We were hit by a 17 yr old girl (on her phone) driving an SUV, she is estimated to have been going 50mph, she DID NOT APPLY BRAKES at all.....

I tell you if looks could kill, Mine would have created a dead 17 year old. I was so upset...

Well there it is. We find out this week if our car is totaled ( honestly looking at these, I do not see how it couldn't be) BUT we are HOPEFUL we will be able to get our car back in our driveway soon!!! We would appreciate any prayers you could spare as we begin the journey back to some form of normal in our lives!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Saint Patty's Day.......

Every March we decorate our house, wear green, and eat corned beef and cabbage.
Well maybe not in our house we eat something more along the lines of corned beef hash and a cabbage salad or something.

Happy Saint Patty's Day!

Our New Hot Rods......

Well after much bragging about our new toys, I have finally gotten enough time to sit and make a blog about the FUN new BIKES we got!

Cory and his little sister Kristen who had never been on the back of any bike before! She is so dang adorable! She kept saying she looked so cool.

I know..... I swore I would NEVER be a "BIKER CHICK", I was the person who cringed at the sound of a Harley revving, I was the person who HATED sharing the lane in Highway 4 rush hour traffic with a motorcycle, I was the harsh cruel person who watched Italian Job and Laughed when they flipped the biker by opening their door and watching him go flying, and I was definitely the one who said Bikes were dangerous and death traps and once I was married to a biker who rode rockets (aka R6) I told him it wasnt him I didnt trust on a bike but it was all of the idiots around him I didnt trust.

So after all of that it is a small miracle that I sit here today and post a blog about the bikes Cory got for us as Valentines Day surprises.

My poor guy has had a motorcycle since he was 13 and his first bike was a little Zuma scooter and when we dated in High School he drove a Kawasaki 250cc bike, and when he moved out to Florida to marry me he SOLD his R6 motorcycle which he had owned for less than 8 months to come be with me and help us start our new life.

This was a small way for him to warm me up to the idea of owning motorcycles again ( if you still dont know why Please re read above). I tell you I am IN LOVE with these little scooters which i call Bikes. They are so much fun! I have my little Rocket motorcycle jacket complete with spine protector and pads. I have a full face helmet and when we go out riding and stop somewhere I feel so cool walking around with my helmet and gloves :D I know I am crazy but it is so AWESOME!

Long story short I am completely hooked on these bikes and I can not wait to move up to something faster! Cory's evil plan worked. I cant say I will ever ride a Hyabusa ( really fast bike goes 260 mph), But I can say I am not a crazy motorcycle hating chick anymore! I knew I had entered into the biker world when a guy riding a Ninja pulled up next to me at a light and said hey. I felt so cool! He even did the cool one handed biker wave when he pulled off onto a different street!

Ta Ta For Now..............

Sunday, February 7, 2010

La Vie Boheme......

So we got an amazing opportunity to go up to Sacramento to see Rent the musical!

We own the movie and though it has questionable topics, we really wanted to go see it on "Broadway"

It was pretty FABULOUS! It had most of the original NY Broadway cast plus 2 of the guys from the movie!

Wasnt supposed to but I snuck this pic! Gotta LOVE cell phone cams!

Thanks Mom & Dad!!!! Cory and I LOVE you!

Crazy In Love we know........

So Cory and I are not parents of any kids (yet).... BUT we do have a few adorable little animals. So please pardon my insaness, but until we have little ones I must be a doting and proud mommy and show off how completely ADORABLE my little Guinea Pig Herbie and my precious little girl Charlotte are. They are so much fun and we just wanted to document it for our friends here!!!

Seriously SO cute! My handsome and my little one and sleeping together! ( Pardon the mess I didnt make the bed well)

Me and Charlotte! She is so snuggly and completely ADORABLE!

Completely like a sleeping angel! My baby girl! Under her blanket sleeping soundly! Taking up the entire side of the bed SUCH A DIVA like mommy!

Now onto Herbie. He has been in my life for about 4 years now! We joke about Cory adopting Herbie! His FULL name is Herbert Hoover Hinckley Griffin AKA Herbie the Love Bug!

Cor Loves this little guy tons! They are fighting to be "Man of the house" Herbie talks to Cory lots more than he talks to me! When Cory walks in the door after work it is about 5 whole minutes of Herbie talking i.e. squeeling and popcorning all over the cage.

But he is still a Mommy's Piggy!

So again Pardon our insaneness but these our the loves of our life and they make us giggle, smile, and truly LOVE coming home every day!

Happy Valentines Day from Cory, Brie, Herbie & Charlotte.

The Griffin's

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cant believe it has been 10 years since......

I was in San Jose with my Mom and Dad on a massive searchlight job for New Years and I was wearing this completely hideous sweater that I was in LOVE with and waiting to celebrate the New Year 2000!

It boggles my mind how it has been 10 years since that little 5'3" girl in the hideous sweater to Woman who has moved to Florida, GOT MARRIED, gotten her pilots license, moved back from Florida to California and has begun a new chapter in her life.

Cory and I were talking New Years Eve about what has happened in these past 10 years. September 11th happened, Bush was President, Economy went from wonderful to HORRID, we started 2 wars and found Saddam Hussein and killed him, Obama is president, Pluto is no longer a planet, International Space Station is well underway, I wanted to pilot the Space Shuttle only to find out there will be no more manned Space shuttle flights.... the list goes on and on!

Looking at how much has changed in the World in what seems like a short 10 years, and how little of it could be planned or even predicted, I look forward with eager excitement and trepidation at what new technological advancements will come to the world in the next 10 years. What horrors are to come, where will the economy be, who will be president, and one final very IMPORTANT question Are those personal jet packs and flying cars in our future?

We look forward with excitement on the NEXT 10 years! For our little family we hope in 10 years we will have a solid and THRIVING savings account, hopefully a few babies, by 2020 we will be celebrating our 11 year anniversary, we hope to both have furthered our education, and grown stronger in mind, body and Spirit.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. May your next 10 years be BETTER than the last. May Prosperity, LOVE, Joy and happiness come to all.